Monday, June 21, 2010

Blog Post 10: Presentations

Now that I have presented my Prezi I feel comfortable with my subject and storyline. I still need to write my script and clarify what I want to say about Fairfax and the influence of movies on me growing up. Hopefully, I will have structured story with photographs that move the story along.


  1. What really stood out in your presentation was the fact that you are making your own film in a way. Looking to branch away from Fairfax and escape through movies, you could make a digital story line with that kept in mind. My suggestion would be to make your digital story as if you were your movie and frame it similarly to the movies you loved growing up, maybe?

  2. I'd include basic statistics on Fairfax in addition to the photos you're including. Just the population count would be good, but I think that this is interesting, too: "Originally, Fairfax was known as Sanders because only a few families comprised the entire population of the town and Sanders was the last name of two of those families. In the 1880s a railroad depot was built and the community began to grow. The town was chartered as Fairfax in 1893." (from That way the audience can get a better feel for just how small it is compared to how big your Hollywood movie life has been.

  3. I think you've got a really thoughtful digital story in the making. I would try to capture YOUR Fairfax. You know, try to show what's NOT there. Also, I think it's really interesting how you started watching TBS as a way to sort of find a place for yourself in Fairfax, but that it ultimately took you farther from it.

  4. I think it would be really awesome to see something or someone chasing you out of the town. You could put different pictures together like a flipbook to get a video like effect.

  5. Make sure you take pictures of the town of Fairfax, and pictures of one or two particular movies that help you escape isolation.
